88好学网范文常识招聘应聘自荐信写英文自荐信时易犯的错误» 正文


[10-20 23:34:59]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  自荐信   阅读:680

概要: 24. Forgetting the date and/or salutation. 25. Using dot matrix printers. Most are hard to read and they make you look like an engineer. Whenever possible, use a laser printer, even if you have to borrow one. 26. Talking nonsense. "I work in instilling proper conduits for mainstream educational connections while also encouraging individual creative forms." What? Run that one by me again. 27. Forgetting to put the letter in the envelope. (I received an empty FedEx package yes


24. Forgetting the date and/or salutation.

25. Using dot matrix printers. Most are hard to read and they make you look like an engineer. Whenever possible, use a laser printer, even if you have to borrow one.

26. Talking nonsense. "I work in instilling proper conduits for mainstream educational connections while also encouraging individual creative forms." What? Run that one by me again.

27. Forgetting to put the letter in the envelope. (I received an empty FedEx package yesterday.)

28. The 300-word paragraph. The worst mistake in marketing is writing too long. Limit sentences to seven or eight words, and limit paragraphs to four or five lines. In letter writing, short is usually better. I try to limit my own letters to one page, seldom two. I believe if I can't say it well in one page, I probably can't say it well at all.

29. Bonus tip from Laurie Schell. In an e-mail to me she said, "I thought you may want to add a number 29. As a manager my boyfriend reads a lot of cover letters and complains when he receives them with really small font. Even a regular size font is hard to read if he has forgotten his glasses that day, and so small-font letters are immediately dismissed."


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