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高中英语必修一 U2 English around the world 教学设计(II)

[07-12 20:24:07]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教学设计   阅读:68299

概要:realise, analyse, apologise defence, offence, licence burnt/burned dreamt/dreamed smelt/smelled spelt/spelled spoilt/spoiled www.88haoxue.comIII.Websites recommended to the students 推荐网站www.e-l-e.net.cn www.bg-map.comwww.esl.about.com www.english-zone.comwww.effingpot.com www.topics-mag.comGoing to any of the websites may enable the students to learn more about the differe

高中英语必修一 U2 English around the world 教学设计(II),标签:高一英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com
realise, analyse, apologise

defence, offence, licence







III.Websites recommended to the students 推荐网站

www.e-l-e.net.cn           www.bg-map.com

www.esl.about.com         www.english-zone.com

www.effingpot.com         www.topics-mag.com

Going to any of the websites may enable the students to learn more about the differences between American English and British English.


Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit 2 English Around the World

Include 1.v.to be one of the parts; to make something or someone part of a larger group: Our tour party included several retired couples. The team is looking strong; especially now they have included Beckham. 2. including & included: Everyone has to go to the dentist’s, you included. There were twelve of us, including Tom and me.

role: n.1. the character played by an actor in a play or film; the position that someone has in society or an organization: Matthews plays the role of a young doctor in the film. Women are often forced into a supportive role in the family. 2.play a leading/major/key role in=be important in making changes happen: Mandela played a leading role in ending apartheid in South Africa.

because of=as the result of a particular thing or someone’s action: He had to retire because of ill health. c.f. She got the job because she was the best candidate.

native: 1.adj. your native country or town is the place where you were born: They never saw their native land again. 2. native language/tongue: the language you spoke when you first learned to speak. 3. n. a person who was born in a particular place:Are you a native of New York?

come up:1. to be mentioned:A lot of new questions came up at the meeting. 2. to be about to happen soon:Don’t you have a birthday coming up soon? 3. to move near someone or something by walking:

www.88haoxue.com Come up to the front of the room so everyone can see you.

Other verbal phrases of “come”

come about=to happen in a way that seems impossible to control;

come across= to meet or find something or someone by chance;

come along=get along; to appear at a time you don’t expect; to encourage sb. to try harder;

come by=to obtain something that is difficult to find; come up with=to think of an idea;

(The small word “come” has many phrasal verbs. It is better to ask the students to refer to a good dictionary.)

present: adj. 1. be present: a) to be in a particular place: How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?(opposite of “ absent”) b) to be remembered for a long time: The memory of the disaster last year is still present in her mind. 2. (only before noun) existing now: What’s your present address? c.f.

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