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[05-18 22:32:44]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教学设计   阅读:68237

概要:64、Who likes Andy Lau the best? .A. Jim B. Tom C. Linda D. John65、Why did Jim cry? Because .A. she was sad at a concert. B. she had a broken heart.C. she was angry at Jacky Cheung D. she thought Andy Lau was very good looking66、What’s Linda’s opinion? .A. Andy is a better singer. B. Jacky is a better singer.C. They both sing equally well. D. Jacky is a better actor.www.88haoxue.com67、Why does John think Jacky&rsqu

64、Who likes Andy Lau the best?       . A. Jim       B. Tom       C. Linda         D. John 65、Why did Jim cry? Because       . A. she was sad at a concert.        B. she had a broken heart. C. she was angry at Jacky Cheung   D. she thought Andy Lau was very good looking 66、What’s Linda’s opinion?       . A. Andy is a better singer.          B. Jacky is a better singer. C. They both sing equally well.      D. Jacky is a better actor.

www.88haoxue.com 67、Why does John think Jacky’s Cantonese songs sound the best? Because        . A. Jacky has no experience singing in Mandarin. B. it’s his native language C. his mandarin pronunciation is bad D. Jacky’s Mandarin songs are boring.   D   New York: When the first plane struck 1 World Trade Center at 8:48 am on Tuesday, the people in 2 World Trade Center who saw the instant (瞬间的) damage to the other tower realized clearly what they, too, must do: get out fast. Katherine Ilachinsiki, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast (一阵)of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Mrs Ilachinsiki, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 World Trade Center, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, an executive (经理), cried sharply and set off too. But others up and down the 110 floors, many without seeing the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off. Most people had no idea about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the south tower asked people to stay put, assuring them that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower. Some left, others stayed. Some began to climb down and, when met with more announcements and other cautions (警告) to stop or return, went back up. The decisions made in those instants proved to be of great importance, because many who chose to stay were killed completely when the second plane crashed into the south tower. One of those caught in indecision (犹豫不决) was the executive at Fuji Bank USA. Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers, but on the 48th floor they heard the announcement that the situation was under control. Several got in the lifts and went back up, two minutes or so before the plane crashed into their floor. “I just don’t know what happened to them,” Mr Jacobs said. 68、From the passage, we know that the south tower was hit by the plane ________. A. at 8:30                           B. 18 minutes earlier than the north tower C. at around 9:06                    D. at 8:48 69、The underlined words “stay put” means ________. A. stay in the building                B. leave at once C. put everything back and then leave    D. keep silent 70、Which floor was hit by the second plane? A. The 91st floor    B. The 103rd floor     C. The 60th floor    D. The 79th floor 71、Fewer people would have died if       . A. more announcements had been made     B. people hadn’t used the lifts C. the attack had happened on a weekend    D. the people had obeyed the office rules   E   Paloalto, California— “Turning off the television may help prevent children from getting fatter—even if they do not change their diet,” US researchers said last week. A study of 192 third and fourth graders, generally aged eight and nine found that children who cut the number of hours spent watching television increased nearly two pounds (0.91kg) less over a one-year period than those who did not change their television diet. “The findings are important because they show that weight loss can only be the result of a reduction in television viewing and not any other activity,” said Thomas Robinson, a pediatrician (儿科专家) at Stanford University. “American children spend an average of more than four hours per day watching television and videos or playing video games. And rates of childhood being very fat have doubled over the past 20 years,” Robinsin said.

www.88haoxue.com In the study presented this week to the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting in San Francisco, the researchers persuaded about 100 of the students to reduce their television viewing by one-quarter to one-third. Children watching fewer hours of television showed a much smaller increase in waist (腰) size and had less body fat than other students who continued their normal television viewing, even though neither group ate a special diet nor took part in any extra exercise. “One explanation for the weight loss could be the children unstuck to the television may simply have been moving around more and burning off calories,” Robinson said. “Another reason might be eating fewer meals in front of the television. Some studies have suggested that eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more,” Robinson said. 72、The report tells us that children will get fatter if they ________. A. eat in front of the TV              B. change their diet C. do special exercises               D. spend much time watching TV 73、According to the report, the time American children usually spend on watching TV and videos or playing video games ________. A. is four hours a day or more         B. is less than four hours a day C. has doubled in the last 20 years      D. has been reduced to one-quarter 74、The time some children were persuaded to spend on TV viewing every day was less than ____. A. one hour    B. two hours    C. three hours     D. four hours 75、Watching TV will increase kid’s weight because ________. A. they usually eat more and move less B. they no longer take part in outdoor activities C. they will not burn off calories D. they will enjoy having meals in front of the television     第四部分:写作(共两节,满分

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