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[07-12 20:27:37]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教学设计   阅读:68886

概要:.任务型阅读(1’×10=10)Do you love to cook? Are you feeling inspired by the movie Ratatouille or all the food-based reality TV shows on air today? If so, working as a chef may just be for you. However, before you rush out and sign up for cooking school, be aware that working as a chef isn't all very attractive. There's a long ladder to climb before you reach the rank of head chef at a top restaurant.The first question that many future chefs have is whether or not they need

任务型阅读(1’×10=10) Do you love to cook? Are you feeling inspired by the movie Ratatouille or all the food-based reality TV shows on air today? If so, working as a chef may just be for you. However, before you rush out and sign up for cooking school, be aware that working as a chef isn't all very attractive. There's a long ladder to climb before you reach the rank of head chef at a top restaurant. The first question that many future chefs have is whether or not they need to attend cooking school in order to become successful. The short answer is no – it is possible to develop your cooking skills on your own, or to work your way up the ladder from a position as a prep cook or line cook. However, if you are able to invest in a cooking school education, it's definitely a good idea. Cooking school will not only introduce you to other elements of a chef's career – like sanitation (卫生) and kitchen management – but will also help you develop connections that can help get your career off the ground.

www.88haoxue.com Your first job as a chef will likely be at the bottom of the ladder. If you attended cooking school, you may find that you're able to start out as a prep cook in a nice restaurant, while chefs without this degree may find employment as short order or line cooks in smaller restaurants and diners. Expect to work hard in these positions – you'll put in long hours on your feet, carrying heavy pots and pans around a steaming kitchen. And don't expect to be paid much – chefs in these positions typically earn about $26,000-$32,000/year. However, it is in these positions that you'll have the chance to learn from more experienced chefs and to prove yourself ready for higher-level positions. Competition for chef positions can be fierce, but if you've proven yourself to be talented and creative, you may be invited to fill a second chef or assistant chef position. You may also be able to use your experience to move from a smaller, unrenowned restaurant to a rated restaurant in the culinary capitols of the world. But don't expect that the work load will be reduced. If anything, these positions are more demanding that the entry-level positions, since you'll be responsible for more of the kitchen operations and for ensuring customer satisfaction. In addition, one common complaint of chefs working these positions is the hours – working popular meal shifts may leave little time for socializing outside of the restaurant. With time and experience, you may eventually be able to earn the title of head chef at a well known restaurant or finally fulfill your dream of owning your own restaurant. It should go without saying that these opportunities are even more competitive and demanding than work at any other level of the chef hierarchy (层). You'll be expected to provide the creative vision for the restaurant, coming up with new and innovative dishes to please your patrons. In addition, you'll also be responsible for the overall management of your entire staff and all the kitchen operations. Because of all the stress involved in this career path, it isn't uncommon to see talented chefs leave the restaurant industry behind for calmer options, like catering or restaurant buffet management. However, most people in the industry will tell you that despite the utter chaos of their profession, there's nothing else they'd rather be doing. VI. 任务型写作     2009年6月,江苏省教育厅下令,严禁中小学利用双休日和节假日补课,这给中学生带来了许多好处,但同时也引发了一些问题。请你就此谈谈自己的看法。 注意:1、词数:150左右。2、足够的时间adequate time 上瘾 be addicted to 耗费exhaust 过度的excessive 交替alternate 3、开头已经给出,不计入总词数。


  2009年6月,江苏省教育厅下令,严禁中小学利用双休日和节假日补课。 好处 有更多时间休息,消除疲劳; 有更多机会从事自己的爱好,学习一些课外的东西,增长知识; 有更多时间参加体育锻炼,增强体质; 有更多时间参加社会活动,锻炼自己; 有足够的时间为下一周做好安排和准备。 弊处 一些学生会觉得无事可做,只是睡觉; 一些学生会沉湎于电影、电视剧、游戏等; 一些学生会过度运动,导致过度疲劳。 你的看法 ...... In June, 2009, Jiangsu Education Office issued an order requiring all schools in Jiangsu Province to stop having lessons on weekends and holidays.                                                         

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