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Unit 2 What's the matter? 第二课时教学设计

[10-21 00:10:39]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教学设计   阅读:68435

概要: 3a PPT U2-L2 1. T: Now open your books at page 9. Look at the picture first. There is a boy sitting on a bench. He is sick. A teacher is talking to him. Now look at the conversation on t

Unit 2 What's the matter? 第二课时教学设计,标签:八年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com




















1. T: Now open your books at page 9. Look at the picture first. There is a boy sitting on a bench. He is sick. A teacher is talking to him. Now look at the conversation on the left. I'll read it to you.

A: What's the matter?

B: I'm not feeling well. I have a ________.

A: When did it start?

B: About ________ ago.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should ________.

B: Yes, I think so.

A: I hope you feel better soon.


2. Please think of how you can complete the conversation. Write the answers in the blanks by yourself.


3. T: Now please read the conversation with the answers. Now begin.









4. T: Very good. Now look at the picture. (用幻灯片展示学生用书第九页3b的图,依次指其中的学生)

T: S1, please. What' the matter?

   What should he do?

T: Good. S2, please. What' the matter?

   What should she do?

T: Good answer. S3, please. What' the matter?

   What should she do?

T: Good idea. S4, please. What' the matter?

   What should he do?








Ss listen quietly.












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