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Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计

[07-12 20:24:10]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教学设计   阅读:68355

概要:A. tell a trusted adult B. keep it a secret C. tell your friends You may print this sheet and answer the questions. Then discuss the answers with your friends. A true friendship should: ☉encourage you to live your dream. ☉support you toward your goals. ☉sympathize for your losses and help you find a silver lining. ☉build your self-esteem. If happiness and life-satisfaction are your goals, yo

Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计,标签:高一英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com

A.  tell a trusted adult   B.  keep it a secret C.  tell your friends

You may print this sheet and answer the questions.  Then discuss the answers with your friends.

A true friendship should:

☉encourage you to live your dream.

☉support you toward your goals.

☉sympathize for your losses and help you find a silver lining.

☉build your self-esteem.

If happiness and life-satisfaction are your goals, your friends should be chosen on the basis of how well they can accomplish those four goals.

Happiness is a personal choice that comes from within. But, as the friendship poem says, it surely doesn’t hurt to have supportive friendships that help us achieve our goals.

IV. Self-reflection upon friendship

Read the following statements and then tick Yes (√) or No( ×) to show your opinions upon friendship.

1. Friendship is very important to me.

2. I have a lot of friends.

3. There can be true friendship between a schoolboy and a schoolgirl.

4. I am very kind to my friends.

5.           I think everyone should have friends.


6.           Friends must have the same character.

7.           I keep a diary and think it is my close friend.

8.           When my friend is in trouble, I am always ready to help.

9.           I don’t like to talk to others very much. I like to be alone.

10.       I keep a pet animal and treat it like a friend.

A friendship poem

Choose friends wisely, the portrait they paint

Is who you are and who you ain’t.

Friendship is life’s great support

When friends are of the right sort.

For all your dreams do they make room,

Or bring you down with doom and gloom?

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