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Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计

[07-12 20:24:10]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教学设计   阅读:68355

概要:To write a few lines describing a friendProceduresI. Warming up1. Read the letter to Miss Wang and find out what was upsetting Lisa.2. Listen to what Miss Wang says, and then answer the questions in Exercise 2.3. Listen to the tape again and try to spell out the missing words in Ex 3.II. Talking about designing a questionnaireWork in groups of four. Design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. Ask the Students to use the quiz in the Warming Up as an exam

Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计,标签:高一英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com
To write a few lines describing a friend

Procedures I. Warming up

1. Read the letter to Miss Wang and find out what was upsetting Lisa.

2. Listen to what Miss Wang says, and then answer the questions in Exercise 2.

3. Listen to the tape again and try to spell out the missing words in Ex 3.

II. Talking about designing a questionnaire

Work in groups of four. Design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. Ask the Students to use the quiz in the Warming Up as an example.

Note: The students should be talking while they are doing the task. This provides the students with the opportunity to practise expressing thought and concern in matters of immediate concern and interest. Tell the students to follow these steps:

Step1: In your group, come up with four situations among friends. Design four questions accordingly with three possible answers.

Step2: Put the four questions together and form a questionnaire.

Step3: Check the questionnaire through and try it out on your own group.

Step4: Share your questionnaire with another group and try each other’s questionnaires.

Sample questionnaire:

This questionnaire has four questions, and each question is followed by a set of possible answers. Please read the questions, and then consider which response fits you best.

1.Why am I close friends with this person now?

A.          Because being friends with him/her helps me feel important.

B.          Because my friend would be upset if I ended the relationship.

C.          Because he/she is someone I really enjoy sharing emotions and special events with.

2. Why do I spend time with my friend?

A.          Because my friend would get mad at me if I didn’t.

B.          Because it is fun spending time with him/her.

C.          Because I think it is what friends are supposed to do.

3.Why do I listen to my friend’s problems, or to what my friend has to say?

A.          Because my friend praises me and makes me feel good when I do.

B.          Because it’s interesting and satisfying to be able to share like that.

C.          Because I really value getting to know my friend better.

4.Why do I keep promises to my friend?

A.          Because I believe it is an important personal quality to live up to my promises to a friend.

B.          Because it would threaten our friendship if I were not trustworthy.

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