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Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计

[07-12 20:24:10]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教学设计   阅读:68355

概要:4. Word tour (memorizing)Instructions for your students: Think of a town or city you know well. Imagine that you are organizing a sightseeing tour. Think of 5 places you would include on your tour and write down the order in which the tourists would visit them. Learn your tour off by heart so that you can picture it in your mind. Whenever you have 5 new English words to learn, imagine these words are the tourists on your tour and picture the words in the places on your tour like this.T

Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计,标签:高一英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com

4. Word tour (memorizing)

Instructions for your students: Think of a town or city you know well. Imagine that you are organizing a sightseeing tour. Think of 5 places you would include on your tour and write down the order in which the tourists would visit them. Learn your tour off by heart so that you can picture it in your mind. Whenever you have 5 new English words to learn, imagine these words are the tourists on your tour and picture the words in the places on your tour like this.

Tour: Trafalgar Square; Buckingham Palace; Houses of Parliament; Westminster Abbey; Downing Street. Words to learn: apron, dustpan, vacuum cleaner, feather duster, broom. Imagine Nelson on his column in Trafalgar Square wearing an apron, the queen brushing the floor in Buckingham Palace and using a dustpan...



Unit 1 Friendship(V)

Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit 1 Friendship

add v.1. put something with something else or with a group of other things: Do you want to add your name to the list? 2. to put two or more numbers together in order to calculate the total: Add 6 and 6 to make 12. 3. to increase the number: The sales tax adds 15% to the price of clothes. 4. to say some more that is related to what has already been said: That’s all I want to say. Is there anything you’d like to add.

Other verbal phrases of “add”

add to: to make something larger and more noticeable: Our explanation seemed only to add to his bewilderment.

add up: to calculate the total of several numbers: Add your scores up and we’ll see who won.

add up to:

www.88haoxue.com to have a particular result: His schooling added up to no more than one year.

point: n. 1.small spot: The stars shone like tiny points of light in the sky. 2. sharp end: a knife with a very sharp point. 3. a unit used to show the score in a game or sport: She lost three points for that fall.(in a skating match)

upset:1. vt. & vi. to make someone feel unhappy or worried: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. 2.adj.(not before noun) unhappy and worried: She was still upset about the argument that she had had with Harry.

ignore: vt.1. to behave as if you had not seen or heard someone or something(不理睬): Either she didn’t see me wave or she deliberately ignored me. 2. to pay no attention to something that you have been told or that you know about(忽视): Some drivers simply ignore speed limits.

calm:1.adj.quiet and without excitement, nervous activity or strong feelings: Keep calm, and try not to panic. 2. vt.& vi.to make someone or something quiet after strong emotion or nervous activity: Charlie tried to calm the frightened children. 3. calm down:vt &vi.to become quiet or make someone quiet after strong emotion or nervous activity: Calm down and tell me what happened.

concern:1.n.worry: something that worries you or a feeling of worry: There is growing concern about/over the effects of pollution on health. The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government. 2.vt. to make someone feel worried or upset: The fact that she spends so much money on her own really concerns me. More and more people are concerning themselves with/about environmental problems. 3. be concerned about/for/with:

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