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Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计

[07-12 20:24:10]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教学设计   阅读:68355

概要:※ be willing to consider or accept others’ ideas or opinions (open-minded) ※ be willing to help others (generous or helpful) ※ be good-tempered ※ think about what others need and try to help them (caring) ※ be loyal to their responsibility (responsible) ※ not easily upset (easy-going) ※ be out-going (like to meet and talk to new people) ※ be

Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计,标签:高一英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com
※         be willing to consider or accept others’ ideas or opinions (open-minded)

※         be willing to help others (generous or helpful)

※         be good-tempered

※         think about what others need and try to help them (caring)

※         be loyal to their responsibility (responsible)

※         not easily upset (easy-going)

※         be out-going (like to meet and talk to new people)

※         be tolerant (allow other people to have different opinions or do something in a different way)

※         be selfless (to name but few)

Q3: What else can be a friend?

Answers can be various. (omitted)

Q4: Students’ answers may vary but must include a reason.

Yes. I think it can be, because I can set down how I feel every day in my diary, and let other people read it to share my feelings some time later. Above all, it feels good to write down my thoughts and feeling on paper when I am sad or lonely.


IV. Reading

1. Looking and guessing

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might be about.

1). Imagine what it might be like if you had to stay in your bedroom for a whole year. You could not leave it even to go to the WC or to get a cup of tea. How would you feel?

2). What would you choose if you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room?

2. Reading to summarise the main idea of each paragraph.

Skim the text and summarise the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence.

Para. One:Anne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything.


Para. Two:Anne’s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide away for a long time.


Para. Three:Having been kept indoors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature.


3. Language focus

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

laugh at, go through, make/call + O +Noun (as O.C.), hide away, set down, grow crazy about, do with…, there was a time when…, keep sb. spellbound, on purpose, in order to do sth., far too +adj./adv, happen to do sth., it was the first/second time that …, face to face

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